The compact VENet model that may be customized for different regions or countries, is based on three pillars: The Training System, the Support System and the VENet Management.
VENet Management The VENet Management is in charge of the overall project management including developing, planning and implementing the VENet model. The management is in charge of the coordination of the network partners and participants and the financing of the project. The communication process, the evaluation of the results and gender mainstreaming are also in the hands of the VENet Management.
Training System The Training System includes theoretical and practical vocational training as well as life skills training. In apprenticeship facilities the participants get training on the job which is accompanied by the necessary theoretical lessons. The life skills training encourages personality development by imparting social competences and general skills such as money-management, health-knowledge etc. The training system is responsible for the compilation of the training units as well as their organisation and implementation. It also involves regular schools as a transition point and ensures that the qualification matches the demands of the labour market.
Support System The Support System covers psychosocial support as well as assistance by the Strategic Partners and the interface to the labour market. The individual care of the participants guarantees their stability during the training period. The Strategic Partners facilitate administrative issues like the accreditation and certification of the VENet qualification. It might be advisable to have the National Employment Agency as an entry point for the participants as in most countries maintenance of living costs and social insurance are only covered if the beneficiary is officially registered with the Employment Agency. The Support System also acts as interface to the labour market and makes sure that the qualification and the placement of the participants matches the demands of the regional businesses. This system selects and coordinates the participants and is responsible for the trainees’ integration into the labour market after finishing their VENet training. |